Capacity Development Brochure

Thematic Area
Governance and Public Institutions


UN DESA’s Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) advances effective, accountable and inclusive governance and public institutions for sustainable development, including through innovation, digital government and digital transformation. The Division provides capacity building and policy advice to countries, on request, to strengthen governments’ capacities to translate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other internationally agreed goals into institutional arrangements, strategies and programmes for effective service delivery and participatory, accountable and inclusive decision-making processes.

Governance and public administration are key drivers in the process of implementing the SDGs effectively and inclusively. UN DESA’s capacity development activities in support of Goal 16 aim to assist member states’ capacity development efforts in the following overarching areas:

  • Governance and institutions

  • Transformational leadership and new mindsets to realize the SDGs

  • Participation and Accountability

  • Innovation and delivery of public services

  • Digital government

  • Local governance

UN DESA/DPIDG’s capacity development is guided by the UN DESA’s capacity development strategy. The following key principles apply to the delivery of capacity development services and products:

  • Holistic links (normative, operational, analytical)

  • Development efforts to ensure no one is left behind

  • Demand-driven and country-owned development

  • Multiplied and long-term results

  • Partnerships and South-South cooperation

To achieve its goals, UN DESA’s capacity development support to UN Member States is delivered through an integrated approach linking the normative, analytical and operational work in the area of governance and public institutions. It builds on the agreements that emerge from the inter-governmental process and helps countries implement those agreements. It also distills lessons learned from the country level and provides inputs to the inter-governmental process. It draws insights from UN DESA’s research and analytical work.

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To read and download the brochure here: English Version and Spanish Version

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