Political Analysis publishes peer reviewed articles that provide original and significant advances in the general area of political methodology, including both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. It is the official journal of the Society for Political Methodology and the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association.
Directory of Journals on Public Administration
Political Insight provides a window to the world on all aspects of research in politics. This full-colour magazine is written for everyone with an interest in politics. International both in the scope of issues it covers and in the sources it draws from, Political Insight aims to present research into politics and international studies to a broad audience in an entertaining and engaging way.
The magazine includes articles on a wide variety of topics such as human rights, the causes of terrorism, recent innovations in policy-making across the advanced industrial world, the impact of globalisation on politics and society, the changing nature of democracy, and much more.
Public Administration Review (PAR) is dedicated to advancing theory and practice in public administration. PAR serves a wide range of audiences globally. As the preeminent professional journal in public administration, Public Administration Review (PAR) strives to publish research that not only advances the science and theory of public administration, but also incorporates and addresses the realities of the practice of public administration.
Public Sector Management (PSM) is IPAC’s magazine. PSM has two objectives: to foster ideas and discussion on issues related to public management and policy; and to keep readers abreast of the Institute’s domestic and international activities. The magazine is published three times a year.
The Public Sector Innovation Journal (TIJ) is an independent, blind peer-reviewed, Internet-based journal devoted to building knowledge about public sector innovation. It publishes scholarly and practitioner-oriented papers, books, case studies, review essays, and book reviews. It has a French site, La Revue de l'innovation.