Call for Papers: 2024 AAPA-EROPA-AGPA-IAPA Joint Conference with the theme “Towards World Class Bureaucracy"

Thematic Area
Governance and public administration
Asia and the Pacific

The Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA), the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA), the Asian Group of Public Administration (AGPA), and the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA), together with Indonesia's Ministry of Administrative Reform, the National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA), and the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) will hold the 2024 International Joint Conference on 5-7 November 2024 at Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with the theme, "Towards World Class Bureaucracy". This marks a historic event for the discipline of public administration in the Asian Region for it'll be the first time that the umbrella organizations of public administration in Asia will jointly hold an international conference to address the most pressing and burning issues in public administration and the bureaucracy from a global perspective.

The sub-themes of the conference are:

  1. Digital Transformation and Bureaucracy
  2. Algorithmic Public Policy Making Using Big Data Analytics / Data Mining / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning /Metaverse
  3. Bureaucratic Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Street-Level Bureaucracy
  4. Leadership in VUCA Bureaucracy
  5. Post-Pandemic Bureaucracy
  6. Social Inclusion/Exclusion, Gender Representation, and Social Equity for Sustainability
  7. Public Values (Ethics, Transparency, Accountability)
  8. Risk and Crisis Management (Disaster Management, Environment Management, Community Resilience)

Public Administration scholars and practitioners are invited to submit papers for presentation. The Carlos P. Ramos and Marie Rosenberg Awards for Best Conference Paper shall be conferred to the most outstanding papers presented at the conference. It will consist of a certificate of recognition and a cash incentive.

Refer to the attached Call-for-Papers for paper submission guidelines, due dates, and registration fee rates.

For more details, you may visit the official 2024 Joint International Conference website or send a message via e-mail to the organizing committee.
