The Gold Medal Award of the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) will be awarded at the 41st Roundtable Conference scheduled for 6th -9th December 2022 at University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa.
The AAPAM Gold Medal Award Programme was established in 2005 aimed at recognizing outstanding individual achievement and promoting best practice, excellence and professionalism in public administration and management/ public service in Africa.
The award shall be known as the Gold Medal of the African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM).
The medal shall be awarded as a mark of distinction and exceptional achievement to a person who has shown distinctive leadership in advancing public administration and management/ public service in any African country or who, by his or her writings or other endeavors, has made a significant contribution in public service delivery in Africa. The Gold Medal shall be the highest honor accorded by AAPAM.
To recognize persons who have made outstanding contributions towards Public Administration and Management/ public service in Africa.
To draw attention to outstanding individual achievements which set standards of excellence to which others can aspire.
To enhance the image of Public Administration and Management as a worthy domain for career pursuits.
To achieve the goal of improving the quality of public service delivery in Africa.
To enhance the objectives of AAPAM as an institution committed to promoting excellence in Public Administration and Management/ public service delivery in Africa.
Candidates for the Award shall be nominated on a prescribed form by Heads of Public Service, Permanent /Principal Secretaries, Presidents/Vice-Chancellors of Universities, Heads of Municipal and Local Governments and other selected representatives of the public service.
Nominations shall be called in July and received by the Secretary General at the AAPAM Secretariat not later than the 31st day of August in each year.
All nominations for the award shall be made over the signature of not less than three persons, accompanied by the Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the nominee. In order to qualify for consideration, the nomination must be received at the AAPAM Secretariat by the date indicated in 2 above.
Each nomination shall be accompanied by a concise description of the work and achievements of the nominee which, in the opinion of the nominators, qualify the nominee for the Award, together with such supporting evidence as they may wish the judges to consider.
The Secretary General shall refer all such nominations received by him to a special committee of independent judges appointed by the AAPAM Executive Committee.
The Committee of judges shall decide on or before the 30th day of October in each year the person, if any, who is to receive the Award for that year.
No award shall be made in any year if, in the opinion of the judges, no nomination worthy of an award is received.
A nomination may be reconsidered by the jury in a subsequent year provided that no nomination shall be considered more than three times.
For transparency and credibility, sitting members of the AAPAM Executive Committee and Council shall not be eligible to participate in this award.
The AAPAM Gold Medal shall be bestowed on the winner during the AAPAM Annual Roundtable Conference.
For more information about the Award please visit www.aapam.org