The 2017 Africa Open Data Conference in Accra, Ghana is set to attract over 600 delegates drawn from all over Africa and the world at large. This auspicious event will push the leadership role of the private sector in supplying, using, and demanding open data; bring together brilliant innovators and visionaries to grow their networks, hone their success, and connect with sources of support; and introduce investors and donors to an expanding sector that seeks and supplies open data to achieve development goals in Africa and across the globe. This call for proposals opens in the midst of political, economic, and social upheaval that portends significant transformations across the globe. The answers to what these global shifts mean for governments, nations, communities and individuals are neither straightforward nor obvious, and the tools necessary to examine them are varied and expansive. More than ever, political science is positioned to address pressing questions of this moment and beyond, provided we embrace and promote the rich intellectual pluralism of our discipline – in methodology, methods, behavior, institutions, and perspective. In addition, we recognize that the diversity of our scholars in terms of racial and ethnic background, nationality, gender, sexuality, and gender expression, institutions and professional career stage contributes to knowledge and ways of understanding the world. Our theme for 2021 is pluralism.
File added date: June 2021
Organized by: APSA
URL: https://connect.apsanet.org/apsa2021/theme-statement/