Dear UNPAN member, we would like to improve the UNPAN. Please see the questions below for your kind feedback and suggestion. Thank you very much!
4. Please rate our website on the following features: 
4.1 Organization/Layout
4.2 Navigation (ease of moving around the website)
4.3 Speed of page loads
4.4 Ease of finding desired information
4.5 Usefulness of information on the site
4.6 Overall website experience

Thank you for your feedback.

Please provide us your contact information.


For any questions concerning the survey, please contact:

UNPAN Support Team Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Two UN Plaza-Room DC2-1756 New York, NY 10017 Tel: 1 (212) 963-2299 Email: unpan@un.org