Webinar on Promoting Independent External Audits on Credibility of Government Budgets: How Supreme Audit Institutions Assess and Address Budget Credibility

End Date
Thematic Area
Governance and public administration

UN DESA/DPIDG and the International Budget Partnership will hold a webinar on “Promoting Independent External Audits on Credibility of Government Budgets: How Supreme Audit Institutions assess and address budget credibility” on 16 June (8.30-9.30 am EDT). The interactive event will invite discussion of the results of a survey distributed to the members of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) to learn about their experiences in auditing budget credibility. As we strive to build back better from global crises, strong oversight of government spending is more important than ever. External audits have a critical role in ensuring a government’s budget is credible, meaning that the government collects and spends funds according to the approved budget.

Credible national budgets provide a roadmap to effective service delivery, and their importance is accordingly recognized in SDG indicator 16.6.1. Yet they are also relevant across all SDGs and to other long-term national objectives. By checking and reporting on the legality and accuracy of public accounts, as well as the credibility of budgets, supreme audit institutions (SAIs) can be instrumental in governments delivering on their sustainable development promises.  
In this context, the webinar is part of a joint initiative among SAIs, UN DESA/DPIDG, and the International Budget Partnership to develop a handbook on SAIs’ contribution to strengthening budget credibility through external audits. The initiative builds on previous work on budget credibility and engagement with SAIs on this subject.

Register in advance for the webinar here - 

For more information, click here or to read the "Review Workshop - Handbook on Supreme Audit Institutions’ Contribution to Strengthening Budget Credibility through External Audits" click here

More information on the International Budget Partnership