7th Edition of the African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes Targeting the Local Government

End Date
UCLG Africa
Thematic Area
Local Governance

The general theme of the 7th edition of the African Forum of Territorial Managers and Training Institutes Targeting the Local Government (FAMI7_2023) is "The contribution of Local and Regional Governments to the achievement of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)". It aims to be a meeting that leaves no one behind, dedicated certainly to Local and Regional Governments and Training Institutes in Africa, but also to all the other actors and stakeholders concerned by the dynamics of Decentralization, Local Governance and Local and Territorial Development in Africa.

The FAMI7_2023 will be the occasion to present and debate on the stakes and the place of African Local and Regional Governments in the dynamics of the economic integration of the Continent.

Date & Location: From Monday 20th to Sunday 26th November 2023, City of El Jadida, in the Region of Casablanca-Settat, Kingdom of Morocco, in person.

Poster [English] [French]

Concept Note [Arabic] [English] [French] [Portuguese]

A link to a Video presenting the Concept and Methodology of the FAMI: https://uclgafrica723-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/hmenkari_uclga_org/ETTMQTUohsxAtg-Ee0a353gBrkvz33oBXyHy2bs6o4gx-g