1. Do you have a National Development Strategy and Plan?
3. Does your National Development Plan reflect/ incorporate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals?
6. If you answered yes to the previous question, has it been endorsed for the whole of government?
7. If you answered yes to the previous question, has it been endorsed for specific sectoral/ cross-cutting policies?
10. If it has been published, please indicate where: (please check all that applies)
11. Is there an operational plan/ action plan to support the implementation of the national development plan?
12. Has your government identified priority policy areas for policy coherence?
13. Have timelines been set for the achievement of policy coherence objectives in the national development plan? If no or don't know, please go to question 15.
Please check whichever applies. You are a government official with the following responsibilities/ mandate:
Please select whichever applies: