Displaying 217 - 218 of 218
The 29th NISPAcee Annual Conference – Application Open
English | Governance and Public Institutions | Europe and Central Asia | Webinar | NISPAcee
Main Conference Theme: Citizens' Engagement and Empowerment - The Era of Collaborative Innovation in Governance
Panel: Politico-Administrative Relations in CEE
Panel: Cultural Policy, Co-creation and Smart Development in CEE
Panel: Behavioural Interventions in the Public Sector
WG1: Local Government
WG2: E-government
WG3: Public Administration Reform in CEE and CA
WG4: Inter-regional and Cross-border Cooperation and Development
AWARENET Webinar Series on Groundwater Management in IWRM
| English | Digital Government | Middle East | Webinar | ESCWA
ESCWA is organizing a series of training webinar on Groundwater Management in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The training is the culmination of collaborative efforts by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, the Arab Integrated Water Resources Management Network (AWARENET) and the International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management (Cap-Net).
The aim of the training is to improve…