Displaying 13 - 16 of 16
Part 2: Good and Best Practices in Inter-Local Cooperation: An International Perspective
| English | Local Governance | Asia and the Pacific | Webinar |
The international webinar on “Good and Best Practices on Inter-Local Cooperation: An International Perspective” invited speakers from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia and the Philippines to share experiences on inter-local cooperation. This webinar is in partnership with Asian Association of Public Administration (AAPA), Indonesian Association of Public Administration (IAPA) and Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA).
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Part 1: Good and Best Practices in Inter-Local Cooperation: An International Perspective
| English | Local Governance | Asia and the Pacific | Webinar |
In partnership with Asian Association of Public Administration (AAPA), Indonesian Association of Public Administration (IAPA) and Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA), this webinar will be a platform to discuss a burning concern of public administration and local governance, that of inter-local cooperation.
File added date: March 2021
Organized by: AAPA
4th WeGO Awards
| English | Local Governance | Global | Award Programme | WeGO
The 4th WeGO Awards is a triennal competition that recognises and promotes local governments with exemplary projects and solutions that use ICT to help improve the quality of life of citizens.
All local governments, smart tech solution providers, and public organisations around the world, both members and non-members of WeGO, are eligible to apply. Smart tech solution providers and public organisations are also eligible to apply…
Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Strengthening Public Administration and Leadership for Millennium Development Goals at Local Level
| English | Local Governance | Global | Publication | UN DESA/DPIDG
The Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) collaborated with the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) to organize an Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting (AEGM), to examine how public administration and leadership capacities in the public service at local government level can be strengthened and lead the process…