2017 Africa Open Data Conference (AODC)

2017 Africa Open Data Conference (AODC)
2017-07-17 to 2017-07-21
Participation and Accountability
Organized By

The 2017 Africa Open Data Conference in Accra, Ghana is set to attract over 600 delegates drawn from all over Africa and the world at large. This auspicious event will push the leadership role of the private sector in supplying, using, and demanding open data; bring together brilliant innovators and visionaries to grow their networks, hone their success, and connect with sources of support; and introduce investors and donors to an expanding sector that seeks and supplies open data to achieve development goals in Africa and across the globe.  


File added date:  June 2021

Organized by: AODC

URL: https://africa-opendata.squarespace.com/#aodc17-ghana-section