IRAS is the official journal of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA). IRAS is published in four different language editions – English, French, Spanish and Chinese.
In this issue:
- Articles Strengthen governability rather than deepen democracy: why local governments introduce participatory governance. p409. Daniel Ku¨bler, Philippe E. Rochat, Su Yun Woo and Nico van der Heiden
- Agents never become stewards: explaining the lack of innovation in public–private partnerships. p427. Salvador Parrado and Anne-Marie Reynaers
- Top management teams’ shared leadership and ambidexterity: the role of management control systems. p444. Timurs Umans, Elin Smith, William Andersson and William Planken
- Policy advisory styles in the francophone Belgian civil service. p463. David Aubin and Marleen Brans
- Person–job fit matters in parastatal institutions: testing the mediating effect of person–job fit in the relationship between talent management and employee outcomes. p479. James Kwame Mensah and Justice Nyigmah Bawole
- Public servants, anonymity, and political activity online: bureaucratic neutrality in peril? p496 Christopher A. Cooper
- Evaluation of decentralization and commercialization in the urban water sector of Yemen. p513 Mohammad Al-Saidi
- Reforming a state in formation: from Structural Adjustment Programs to Results-Based Management – lessons from two decades of administrative reform in Cameroon. P529. Raoul Tamekou
- Does vertical administrative integration of environmental monitoring at the provincial level effectively motivate firms to improve environmental behaviour in China? P547. Yong Liu Effective academic–practitioner collaboration on gender research in federal law enforcement: the value of a coproduction process. P567. Helen H. Yu
- The co-production of public value in community development: can street-level professionals make a difference? p582. Daphne Vanleene, Joris Voets and Bram Verschuere
File added date: February 2021