DPDIG has been building the capacities of member states to implement the SDGs, especially by focusing on senior public servants. This workshop was an opportunity to dialogue with IASIA to include in its criteria for accrediting training programs in Public Administration, the values, principles and competences for implementing the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The workshop was organized over the course of five days. It was conducted through short substantive presentations in plenary, discussion in plenary and working group discussions. The report of the meeting contains the recommendations which emerged from the workshop, as well as propose a plan for the future activities that will promote inclusion of the SDGs in the syllabi of Management or Development Institutes (MDIs) and university programmes on public administration.
IASIA brings together, from all over the world, Institutes of Public Administration (IPA) and other Management Development Institutes (MDIs), including University faculties with programs in Public Administration. Expanding the initiative on transformational leadership for the SDGs to the IASIA will strengthen its implementation by promoting collaboration and partnerships between Institutes of Public Administration in developed countries and developing one for sustainable capacity development in this respect.
Read more (URL : https://publicadministration.un.org/en/news-and-events/calendar/moduleid/1146/ItemID/3020/mctl/EventDetails)