Readiness Assessment Section 3

1. Is there a requirement in place in your government that every new policy includes an ex-ante assessment of trade-offs, synergies or complementarities of the sectoral plans or policies? If no or don't know, please go to question 3
3. In your experience, do these assessments impact policies? If no or don't know, please go to question 5.
5. Are there planning templates/ checklists/ guidelines in place to conduct an ex -ante assessment of how the social, economic and environmental aspects are integrated in sectoral plans and policies of line ministries? If no or don't know, please go to question 9.
6. In your experience: Do these assessments impact policies?
9. Is there a full cost benefit analysis of policy impacts across all sectors included as part of the ex- ante assessments related to new policies or plans?
10. Is there a system for ex-post assessment of the contribution of policies or plans to the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development and cross-sectoral impacts to inform future policy making?
11. In your experience: Are the assessments used to inform future policy-making?
14. If you answered yes to the previous question, please specify what kind of mechanism: (please check all that applies).
15. Have mitigation measures been implemented as a follow up? If no or don't know, please go to question 17
17. Are systems/ mechanisms in place that consider international spill-overs of policies, e.g., cross-border and international impacts? If yes, please provide examples:
18. Does your government make use of tools such as strategic foresight, scenario development and system thinking approaches in the formulation and implementation of policies? Please indicate which tools your government uses: (please check all that apply)
Please check whichever applies. You are a government official with the following responsibilities/ mandate:
Please select whichever applies: