Call for AAPAM Innovative Management Award 2024

Thematic Area
Governance and public administration

The African Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM) announces a call for submissions for the AAPAM 15th Innovative Management Award. The AAPAM Innovative Management Award is a continental wide award to honor public sector institutions, organizations and ministries which have made exceptional and longstanding contributions to public service delivery.

The Awards will be presented at the 43rd AAPAM Roundtable Conference. Winners and other leading entries will be extensively publicized and featured in the AAPAM Newsletter. Attached for your information and guidance are the Conditions, Procedures and Rules of Competition (Annexure 1) for this Award and the Criteria that shall be used to evaluate the submissions (Annexure 2). Please note submission MUST BE DONE online by filling in the form (CLICK HERE) by Wednesday, 31st July 2024.

Please circulate this letter and its annexures as widely as possible among local governments, municipal authorities, institutions of higher learning, departments, agencies, non-governmental organizations, civil society organization as the case may be, that are under your jurisdiction.

You may find more information by clicking the website link IMA 2024.

For further clarification or queries please feel free to contact us at @email and @email

Call for Submission [English] [French] [Arabic]

Submission Guidelines [English] [French] [Arabic]