UNGASS 2021 on Building Transparent, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions

End Date
Thematic Area
Transparency, Integrity and Preventing Corruption

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Group of States against Corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO) co-organized a joint side event on "Building Transparent, Accountable and Inclusive Institutions" in the context of the Special Session of the General Assembly (UNGASS) Against Corruption 2021. The side event took place on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 and, was held virtually via Zoom.

The side event aimed to showcase the importance of building transparent, accountable and inclusive institutions to foster good governance, prevent corruption and gain public trust. The event featured interventions and discussions on the experience gained to date by the organizers in strengthening integrity in the public sector, including by reflecting on specific initiatives and good practices.



Kindly see the dedicated event page for further information on the side event programme:

URL: https://publicadministration.un.org/en/news-and-events/calendar/ModuleID/1146/ItemID/3086/mctl/EventDetails.