Readiness Assessment Section 4

1. Is there a central government unit/ ministry/ inter-ministerial committee in charge of promoting coherent and integrated planning, policy making, implementation and M&E of the SDGs, including facilitating information sharing and coordination among different ministries/sectors? If no or don't know, please go to question 13
3. If yes, is its mandate provided by: (please check all that applies)
5. Has the organizational structure of the central unit/ ministry in charge of inter-ministerial coordination defined roles and responsibilities among the different ministries in relation to policy coherence (please check all that applies)
7. Does the organizational structure referred to in question 1 (unit/ministry, etc.) have: (please check all that applies)
11. What type of coordination mechanisms (e.g., task forces and working groups) has the organizational structure in charge of policy coherence put in place at the national level?
12. How effective is this coordination? (Please rate the level of effectiveness on a 5-point scale)
Please check whichever applies. You are a government official with the following responsibilities/ mandate:
Please select whichever applies: